Nhow did joseph smith translated the book of mormon

Title page translated by joseph smith long ago the lord declared. He lived in new york and it was 1800s i am sure there was a copy or two about. Much can be known about the coming forth of the english text of the book of mormon through a careful study of statements made by joseph smith, his scribes, and others closely associated with the translation of. For most of my life i have been confused about how joseph smith translated the book of mormon. The sacred writings chronicle gods dealings with his people in the western hemisphere centuries ago. Did joseph fielding smith say that it was not reasonable for joseph smith to use a seer stone to translate the book of mormon. June 30, the established date for completion of the translation.

I was taught that the seer stones helped translate the golden plates but i never heard anything about. Gramps, i would like to know the exact way the prophet joseph translated the book of mormon. Oliver cowdery, the principal scribe for the book of mormon, said that the prophet joseph smith translated the book of mormon by the gift and power of god, by the assistance or means of the urim and thummim last days of oliver cowdery, deseret news. Joseph smith translated the book of mormon with the urim. Mormon abridged this record in his plates, and joseph smith translated it, but since it was lost by martin harris, very little is now known about it except what can be inferred from references in other texts brown, pp. Be familiar with the prophet joseph smith s famous statement about the book of mormon quoted in the introduction. December 23, 1805 june 27, 1844 was an american religious leader and founder of mormonism and the latter day saint movement. Lds have claimed that joseph smith translated the text from the writings of ancient prophets, while critics have endlessly recycled inadequate theories.

When he was 24, smith published the book of mormon. Before hiding the gold plates, moroni, the last prophet of the book of mormon, wrote on the book s title page that the book would be translated by the gift and power of god. Book of mormon plates and records the encyclopedia of. Because joseph followed the instructions from heavenly father and translated the writings of ancient prophets, each of us can be blessed by reading the stories found in the book of mormon. For instance, i read that at first he used a seer stone instead of the urim and thummim which he placed in his hat and buried his face into the hat to block out the light. June 11, when joseph smith obtained the from the library of congress. Gramps, there was a question about joseph s stone and hat but you never mentioned either.

Joseph smith at the age of 16 maybe 14,15 or 17 was led to the site of the plates by the angel moroni, joseph was instructed not to remove the items until he was given permission. The essay book of mormon translation in the gospel topics section of topics. The mormon religion is based upon the story and religious teachings of joseph smith. Urim and thummim places the book of mormon translation on trial, presenting the latest research in one of the most comprehensive treatments of the translation process to date providing encouragement for latterday saints who fear they have been betrayed by the translation history taught by the church for over 190 years. Emma smith was far more involved in the coming forth of the book of mormon than some people may realize. How could joseph smith possibly have written the book of. Emma hale smith, and perhaps her brother reuben hale, help as scribes for a portion of the book. The claim that joseph smith translated the book of mormon from inscriptions on a set of ancient plates is literally at the heart of mormonism. By the time of his death, 14 years later, he had attracted tens of thousands of followers and founded a religion that continues to the present. This minister was considered very antagonist towards the saints. In 1822, joseph smith found a brown, eggcolored stone while digging a well for willard chase. But thanks to scholars who assembled the joseph smith papers, my own experience typing the book of mormon and the pearl of great price, and recently by reading saints, the story of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, 18151846, i understand the word translate more clearly.

The purpose of these physical instruments was to facilitate that revelatory process and assist joseph smith as he struggled to receive the inspired thoughts, feelings, meanings, and words as he translated the book of mormon by revelation. Garth norman posted by permission of ancient america foundation and the author. These plates were translated by the power of god and became the book of mormon. When i see the word translate, it means to me that a scribe read a manuscript written in one language e. May 15, as documented by testimonies given by cowdery and lucy mack smith, joseph s mother.

She helped joseph smith retrieve the plates, participated in the translation as a scribe, and recorded her physical encounters with the covered plates. The sacred writings chronicle gods dealings with his people in. How long did it take joseph smith to translate the book of. Problems in the joseph smith translation of the bible and comparison to the book of mormon.

How joseph smith translated the book of mormon youtube. Nothing is magical, and the urim and thummim, the seer stone, etc. Did joseph smith study and master the nephite language. In 1844 joseph smith declared that the book of mormon was the most correct book of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts than by any other book. He studied the historical documents claiming that joseph smith translated the book of mormon using a seer stone in a hat and he concluded joseph smith did not use a seer stone to translate.

The joseph smith papyri jsp are egyptian funerary papyrus fragments from ancient thebes dated between 300 to 100 bc which, along with four mummies, were once owned by joseph smith, the founder of the latter day saint movement. And, though i was an active participant in the scenes that transpired, and was present during the translation of the plates, and had cognizance of things as they transpired, it is marvelous to me, a marvel and a wonder, as much so as to any one else. Have you wondered who wrote the book of mormon and what the story is behind it. The story of the golden plates consists of how, according to joseph smith and his. Mormons, members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints often mistakenly called the mormon church, have more about enoch, found in the book of moses in the pearl of great price. I believe from the book of mormon musical on the 65th tony awards. Mormonism and the biblejoseph smith translationrelationship. Joseph smith said that the book of mormon translation was performed by the gift and power of god the lost 116 pages of the book of mormon manuscript. Smith was the founding prophet and first president of the church. Jul 20, 2018 what a about our 10 president of the church, president joseph fielding smith. In the isaiah chapters which were plagiarized by the book of mormon, joseph smith has changed them in his translation to fit the book of mormon.

Did joseph smith use a hat to translate the book of mormon. It was this stone that joseph used to translate the book of mormon. Much is made of the fact that joseph used a seer stone, which he placed in a hat, to dictate the text of the book of mormon without viewing the plates directly. Smith is the only source for a great deal of the story because much of it occurred while he was the only. By its own terms, the book of mormon is a translation of an ancient book. Details of the translation process joseph smith used for translating the book of mormon from the plates can be adduced from statements of witnesses and from evidence in the original and printers manuscripts. A seer stone and a hat translating the book of mormon. Which scribes worked on which portions in the book of mormon. Dear gramps, i would like to know the exact way the prophet joseph translated the book of mormon. The church later admitted these facts in its october 2015 ensign, where they include a photograph of the actual rock that joseph smith used to place in his hat for the book of mormon translation. How could joseph smith possibly have written the book of mormon so fast. The use of objects in the translation were only to help focusing on the work. Welch, foundation for ancient research and mormon studies farms.

Evidence from the manuscripts themselves shows that the original manuscript was written from dictation, that joseph smith was working with at least twenty words at a time, that joseph smith could see the spelling of names, that the scribe repeated the text to joseph smith, and that the word chapter and the corresponding chapter numbers were not. Book of mormon translation by joseph smith book of mormon. Joseph smith dictated the words of the translation to scribes, mostly oliver cowdery. How long did it take joseph smith to translate the book of mormon. Sep 11, 20 the last nephite prophet in the book of mormon circa a.

How did joseph smith translate the plates from which the book of. Much can be known about the coming forth of the english text of the book of mormon through a careful. Thus, the book of mormon was translated by the spirit of revelation using the seer stones. The gold plates and the translation of the book of mormon. I come on here often and definitely have my doubts but i want to know how joseph smith could write the bom so fast and in so much detail without being able to really read or write. In all of the prophet joseph smiths accounts regarding the translation of the book of mormon, he never varied from his narrative that the gold.

For instance, i read that at first he used a seer stone instead of the urim and thummim which he placed in his hat and buried his face. Was joseph smith really uneducated when he translated the. One of the most amazing facts about the book of mormon is that it took joseph smith. Joseph smith could neither write nor dictate a coherent and wellworded letter. This manner of translation, allegedly guided by god, was the same mechanism by which joseph claimed to translate the book of mormon. How the book of mormon was translated let us reason. Joseph smith said that the papyrus contained the records of the ancient patriarchs abraham and joseph. Eyewitness testimony confirms that joseph smith translated the book of mormon in the same manner that he once hunted for buried treasure. The joseph smith translation is only an inspired revision of the king james version. I told the brethren that the book of mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man wold get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book. This remains the best description of the translation of the book of mormon. Maxwell, 1 and building on my chapter in the second edition of opening the heavens, 2 this article strives to be as precise as possible about the timing of the events and progress of the book of mormon translation. Second, according to david whitmers account of how the book of mormon was translated, joseph smith was the instrument of transmission, while translation rested solely with the lord. Answering a question posed by her son joseph smith iii in 1879, emma smith indicated that the prophet joseph smith could not have been the author of the book of mormon, for he had neither the writing abilities nor adequate knowledge of ancient israel.

Joseph got it while working on the willard chase farm. Mar 31, 2010 1836 account by a minister of another religion. Seer stones and the translation of the book of mormon duration. For a compilation of accounts by joseph smith s contemporaries, see john w. The book of moses was received by revelation to joseph smith as he was working on a new translation of the book of genesis. Eyewitness descriptions of the gold plates from which the book of mormon was translated. How did emma smith help bring forth the book of mormon. Was joseph smith really uneducated when he translated the book of mormon. Book of mormontranslationlocation of the plates fairmormon. She also took care of the domestic chores needed for the survival and comfort of those more actively involved in the translation. The book of mormon was dictated by joseph smith to several scribes over a period of months, resulting in three manuscripts.

These facts are now officially confirmed in the churchs december 20 book of mormon translation essay. Joseph fielding smith said it hardly seems reasonable to suppose that the prophet would substitute something evidently inferior under these circumstances. The urim and thummim was preserved in a stone box, along with the gold plates, for over 1,500 years for the purpose of enabling joseph to translate the writings on the. By the time of his death, 14 years later, he had attracted tens of thousands of followers and founded a religion that continues to the present with millions of global adherents. Later, joseph smith translated the book of mormon into english through the gift and power of god. This is one of the first accounts of how joseph smith translated the book of mormon. And, though i was an active participant in the scenes that transpired. Joseph smith, the first prophet of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, was an uneducated farm boy with no resources for research who translated ancient writings into the book of mormon, over 500 pages long, in under 65 days.

That joseph smith had the book of mormon plates, and translated from them the book of mormon is confirmed by oliver cowdery, who acted as josephs scribe while the prophet dictated. When and how did joseph smith obtain a seer stone and what did he use it for. How did joseph smith translate the plates from which the book. By the power of god, through the holy spirit, how else. New religious movements had sprung up left and right, and utopian societies were a dime a dozen. Translated by joseph smith, jr 186 smith, joseph on. Joseph smith was the one responsible for translating the book of mormon. How long did it take to translate the book of mormon. Joseph smith s response to skepticism, cites a personal interview emma smith bidamon gave to a committee of the reorganized church of jesus christ of latterday saints in 1879. The process of translating the book of mormon joseph. Joseph used the stone to look for treasure for josiah stoal and to translate the bom. Did joseph smith translate the book of mormon with a rock. Joseph smith translated the book of mormon with the urim and thummim, not by a seer stone in a hat.

Most latterday saints grew up learning that joseph smith translated the book of mormon through the use of magic spectacles known as the urim and thummim. Joseph smith clarifies what he means by very last leaf by specifying. The farm owner claimed that joseph stole the stone from him. This copy is known today as the printers manuscript. Did joseph smith use a hat during the translation of the. By 15 may 1829, joseph had translated the books of mosiah, alma, helaman, and 3 nephis account of christs ministry among the nephites. The theory is probably the death rattle of the defeated critics of joseph smith. The pictures in the new book show different angles of a stone that is dark. He and several of his close associates testified that the translation was accomplished by the gift and power of god hc 1. In 1827, smith began to gather a religious following after announcing that an angel had shown him a set of golden plates describing a visit of jesus to the indigenous peoples of. Why did joseph smith translate the book of mormon into jacobean english, not in use in 1830. For further discussion on the book of mormon and the translation process, see the introduction to documents, volume 1.

How joseph smith translated the book of mormon by royal. This paper aims to stimulate specific thinking about the intense and complex events during which the book of mormon was translated in 1829. Joseph smith published the book of mormon in 1830, when he was 24 years old, in the wake of a revivalist firestorm that swept through western new york. But thanks to scholars who assembled the joseph smith papers, my own experience typing the book of mormon and the pearl of great price, and recently by reading saints, the story of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, 18151846, i understand the word translate more clearly and i hope i. Joseph smith book of mormon translation video youtube. The mormon churchs push toward transparency about its roots and beliefs took another step forward with the first published pictures of a small sacred stone it believes founder joseph smith. I know that if we will read and pray about the book of mormon, we can know that it is true and that joseph smith was a true prophet of god. Later, joseph smith also translated some egyptian papyri into what is now known as the book of abraham in the pearl. One of the most amazing facts about the book of mormon is that it took joseph smith only about sixtyfive working days to translate a book that, in the current edition, is 531 pages long. In 1823 moroni was sent as a resurrected being to reveal the book of mormon to joseph smith and finally delivered the plates to him in 1827 the guide to the scriptures, moroni, son of mormon, 16768. Most lds church members were taught that joseph smith used seer stones referred to as the urim and thummim nephite interpreters to translate the book of mormon bom 1 to various scribes. Welch, the miraculous translation of the book of mormon, in opening the heavens. How did joseph smith translate the book of mormon answers.

Aug 04, 2015 the mormon churchs push toward transparency about its roots and beliefs took another step forward with the first published pictures of a small sacred stone it believes founder joseph smith used. Sep 15, 2017 joseph smith book of mormon translation video ryan. The description of the book of mormon on the registration form is from the title page of the book of mormon, which joseph says is a literal translation taken from the very last leaf, on the left hand side of the collection or book of plates see pjs 1. Lds egyptologist doubts joseph smith translated the book. How the book of abraham exposes the false nature of. How did joseph smith translate the book of mormon from the golden plates. Joseph smith translated the book of mormon by the power of. Joseph smith received with the breastplate and the plates of the book of mormon, the urim and thummim, which were hid up by moroni to come forth in the last days as a means by which the ancient record might be translated, which urim and thummim were given to the brother of jared. Joseph did not need the plates physically present to translate, since the translation was done by revelation. What a about our 10 president of the church, president joseph fielding smith. This is simply a reflection of the notion of divine dictation, which holds that every word of.

Evidence from the original manuscript royal skousen journal of book of mormon studies 71 1998. Most all of the current text of the book of mormon was dictated to a scribe over a period of somewhere between a total of 60 and 90 days, interspersed with other daily activities that sometimes would take joseph smith and oliver cowdery away from. How exactly did joseph smith translate the book of mormon. The false translation of the book of abraham, therefore, casts serious doubt on the book of mormon as well, forever debilitating joseph s claim he was a true, inspired prophet of god. According to latter day saint belief, the golden plates are the source from which joseph smith said he translated the book of mormon. From the approximate book of mormon translation timeline. Joseph smith s inexperience and weakness as a writer does nothing but intensely magnify the miraculous.

The question of the authenticity of the book of mormon is the basis for any discussion on the truthfulness of the lds church. Could joseph smith have authored the book of mormon. May 31, when the title page of the book of mormon was translated. To bad joseph smith did not know more about history so he could make his fiction line up with verifiable data.

For instance, i read that at first he used a seer stone. Byu professors lecture examines the timeline of joseph. Historical details about the time it took to translate the book are remarkably well preserved. Thus the book of mormon was translated by the gift and power of god, and not by any power of man. Joseph smith and the beginning of book of mormon archaeology did the prophet joseph smith in 1842 locate book of mormon lands in middle america. Did joseph smith use a hat during the translation of the book of mormon. Mormon origins is created to make available historical information andor documents relating to the beginnings of mormonism in america. Just as the arch crumbles if the keystone is removed, so does all the church stand or fall with the truthfulness of the book of mormon.

How did joseph smith translate the plates from which the. The prophet joseph received these ancient metal records written in reformed egyptian from the heavenly messenger moroni 3 and translated them by the gift and power of god 4 into the book of mormon. Could joseph smith have written the book of mormon. Because joseph smith did not call for punctuation, such as periods, commas, or question marks as he. Joseph smithseer stonesrock in hat used for book of. Thompson presented his reasons for concluding that joseph smith did not produce the book of abraham by translating it, as he claimed, from an egyptian papyrus scroll he had obtained in 1835. Sep 11, 20 joseph smith could neither write nor dictate a coherent and wellworded letter. Besides the book of mormon is mostly paraphrased passages of scripture.

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